Best Design Awards Finalists 2021
Publish Date: 26 August, 2021
It is a great pleasure to see 3 of our brand partners recognised as finalists in the 2021 Best Awards for their work on Fable and our hotels. Congratulations to Seven, who have been nominated for three awards for their work on Fable, Mandala for their work on Hotel Fitzroy and Y6 for their work on Fable Dunedin.
Brought to you by The Designers Institute of New Zealand, The Best Design Awards is an annual showcase of excellence in graphic, spatial, product, digital and motion design along with three special awards - Value of Design, Public Good and Toitanga.
The National Graphic Design Awards were established in the mid seventies to celebrate New Zealand’s best graphic design. In 1988 the name was changed to the New Zealand Best Design Awards and in 1992 the awards were expanded to include Spatial and Product design. This enabled a growing community to benefit from the experience of a jury of international peers and in 1998 the Best Design Awards became an annual awards programme.